How to Know What Airsoft Battery to Buy

How to Know What Airsoft Battery to Buy

Airsoft guns have 1 of three powerplants - spring-piston, gas or automatic electric (abbreviated AEG, for the automatic electric gun). That small airsoft gun needs electrical ability, which it draws from a battery of some type stored out of sight on the gun. Inexpensive AEGs operate on common AA batteries. When the guns become more sophisticated, they utilize rechargeable batteries. Many AEGs that utilize rechargeable batteries come up with one battery pack and a charger, so the gun is complete. Today we will requite some tips nigh choose Airsoft gun battery, hope it can assist you. airsoft gun battery


Pretty simple. The more than voltage(ie 7.4v pack) the college rate of fire


The chapters(ie Mah) volition give you lot more runtime. This is like your fuel tank. The more than Mah, the longer you can shoot people Neither of these will affect your accurateness or FPS.

Battery Chemistries:

At that place are a few Chemistries that the electrical hobbyist uses. The nigh common is Ni-Mh or Nickel Metal Hydride. Li-Po or Lithium Polymer is large in RC applications and is beginning to take off in the airsoft customs also. A lot of stock guns come with depression-quality Ni-Mh or Ni-Cad batteries. Ni-Cad's, or Nickel Metal Cadmium batteries are older technology and have go inferior to Ni-Mh, and Li-Po packs. At that place are also a lot of various forms of Li-ion chemistry. For airsoft, Ni-Mh is the best bet. Very powerful if you purchase the right cells, and affordable. I know that there is a larger demand for Li-Po packs also, but your only existent gain too the charge per unit of fire is some weight loss. Li-po'southward are much needier and have fewer configuration options. Also, in near cases, yous don't go as much capacity for sure packs. Li-po is nifty performing chemical science, but would not be my first pick. They crave more than to be happy. Such as some type of low voltage detection, to proceed the cells from dropping below 3v each. And a special charger/balancer. Ni-Mh batteries are 1.2 five per prison cell Ni-Cad batteries are one.2v per prison cell Li-Po batteries are three.7v per cell Li-Ion type cells vary from three.3-three.7v, depending on the specific chemistry.

Bombardment Quality/Functioning:

Ane thing I fight with a lot, is informing people that not all batteries, are living up to what their characterization says. There are a lot of batteries that come out of really inexpensive factories and are of very depression quality. Generally, these are stock batteries that the airsoft gun comes with, or are no-named looking cells. This is bad for 2 reasons. 1: Low-quality cells will have a short wheel life. Which means y'all volition become a lot fewer charges from them. 2: they do not evangelize plenty power. And fifty-fifty though airsoft guns aren't loftier current drawing applications, the cells tin't be lesser of the barrel either. So yous demand to choose the best airsoft gun bombardment.


All of these guns come with the crappy little white plastic plugs. Whether information technology exist the "Large" or "Small" type, both aren't worth a damn. At that place is only one easy option. Deans Ultra. There are a few other skillful plugs out there, merely Deans are the virtually widely used and has proven it'due south quality for years. Why, might you ask, does it matter what plug to utilize. Well, the reason is, that the pins within the stock plugs are made from a really sparse can, that over a very short period of time, begin to wear out and crusade a faulty connectedness. This will cause the gun to not fire at times, and the battery to a simulated peak on a charger. Plus, the plugs are crimped, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but Deans are a solder style, which is much ameliorate. When y'all become to a improve connecting plug, you reduce your resistance dramatically and free up some power that you lot didn't take before. I have shown people many times, how my gun with the same batteries, at the same voltage, has more power merely from having a Deans plug. And they can't believe that a trivial plug will restrict and so much power.


You cant accept a good bombardment, without a good charger. Proficient doesn't hateful y'all have to spend a agglomeration of coin, but you won't get a good one for 20 bucks. Generally, most of the good chargers cost around 50 bucks and college. You're going to want something that has a variable charge rate(amp's) and is a peak detection charger. Those are the minimum. If you lot're getting a Li-Po pack, and then you desire something with a variable current setting, in at to the lowest degree .5 amp increments, and has a balancer built in. Almost of today'southward chargers practise all of this, in one package. There are so many chargers out on the market today, you cant hardly go incorrect as long equally they do what I mentioned higher up. You desire to set your charger to the appropriate jail cell corporeality, chemistry, and accuse current. Charging at 1C and below is the safest bet for any pack. Case: 1C of a 1500 mah pack is 1.five amps on a accuse. And then for a 1500mah pack, anything at or under 1.5 amps is safe. Another easy fashion to detect the C is to take the first 2 digits of the Mah( if information technology is 1500 mah, take the fifteen) and put your point betwixt them. That volition be 1C. Some chargers may take an Mv setting. This is your delta tiptop. Y'all want that to exist between 3-5mv per cell. This is for NiMH packs. But the bulk of the newer chargers out there, do this for you. If you're charging a Li-Po pack, and the charger has a balancer, or you have an external i, you utilize that every fourth dimension yous charge. In fact, I tell ALL my customers to ALWAYS utilise a balancer. We don't warranty packs that we charged without one. Information technology is unsafe to charge without ane. Y'all charge Li-pos at 1C likewise. Accuse all Li-Po's, abroad from anything flammable, in the event they grab fire, then they don't catch anything else on fire. I hope this is helpful. Experience free to get out annotate below if you accept whatsoever questions... The article from Chris, give thanks you.

How to Know What Airsoft Battery to Buy

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